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A Whole New World Of Education

Junior Uni Daun: A Place for Children and Youth to Explore and Learn

A Whole New World of Education

The Junior Uni Daun is an out-of-school institution that offers a comprehensive educational program for children and youth. Immersive and engaging, the programs are designed to foster curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Empowering the Future Generation

The Junior Uni Daun provides a platform for children and youth between the ages of four and twenty-four to explore various subjects, from science and technology to art and culture. The programs are designed to complement the regular school curriculum and provide a unique learning experience.

A Labor of Love

The Junior Uni Daun is a non-profit organization founded and funded by the LEPPER Foundation. Driven by a passion for education, the foundation aims to create an environment where children and youth can develop their talents and reach their full potential.


In a world where technology and globalization are rapidly changing the landscape, the Junior Uni Daun stands as a beacon of hope for the future. By providing children and youth with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, the Junior Uni Daun is empowering them to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.
